Down here in sunny, tropical Cornwall, we're lucky to be close to the city of Truro. Since 1974, Truro has entered the Britain in Bloom competition, and over the years has won numerous prizes, including the Champion of Champions in 2018.
This means that there are lots of flowers around the city, which gives us, as modellers, lots of ideas to enhance our layouts. As well as the larger formal flowerbeds, there are hanging baskets on both buildings and lampposts, tubs on fences, flowers in boats, and other unusual planters.
Hanging baskets
For hanging baskets on buildings, the brackets which are usually used for platform canopies can be re-purposed to suspend the flowers. Glue a small bunch of flower bases together, around a thin cotton tread, and then tie or glue the thread to the bracket.

Kits to use:
Tubs on Fences
Quite a few of the river bridge fences in Truro have planters perched precariously on the railings. To recreate this idea, use a cardboard box, paint a dark colour, and fill it with flower tufts.

Kits to use:
- LX164-OO Cardboard Boxes
- HP001-OO Small Rose Pink Flower Tufts
- HP002-OO Small White Flower Tufts
- HP005-OO Small Bluebell Flower Tufts
Flowers in Ground Planters
There are lots of examples, county-wide, of old items which reflect the heritage of the area now being used as flower planters. From old dinghies to underground mine wagons, from hand carts to old platform luggage barrows, almost anything can be used to bring a splash of colour to a scene.

For the Trough we used:

For the Dinghy, we used:
Often used around cottage doorways, there is no reason not to include these on more urban houses or pubs.

Kits used:
- LX498-OO Gable Porch
- LX173-OO Four Panel Exterior Door
- LX163-OO Trellis Panels
- HP001-OO Small Rose Pink Flower Tufts
- HP002-OO Small White Flower Tufts
- HP010-OO Medium Rosh Bush Flower Tufts
Flowers in a Small Cart
Another idea to site on a platform, or in a market square, this little cart filled with flowers will make a great centrepiece.

Kits used:
Wheelbarrow planter
Many gardeners use various planters to provide colour amongst the greenery. Wheelbarrows are ideal, as they can be cultivated in a greenhouse, and moved outside when in full bloom (or inside if a frost is predicted).

Kits used:
Don't forget, even if you model late autumn or even winter, the planters can be left out with just soil in, with maybe a discarded newspaper or plastic shopping bag.