Let's Make A Scene - Vegetation

Let's Make A Scene - Vegetation

Vegetation is everywhere, from roadside verges to manicured (or not ) gardens, to platform flower beds.

But how can we make the perfect little plot of flowers or grasses, as central element to a formal scene, or to fill that awkward corner?

In most cases, the vegetation products listed below can be used in most of the popular scales, so don't let the 'OO' indicators put you off.

Modelling Gardens

Here we have a small section of an urban garden. The neatly laid brick path leads to the worn but serviceable gate, the rest of the fence is overgrown with plants. The grass needs cutting, but the gardener will have to move the hosepipe first.

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Ferns can be found along almost every country road, near streams and rivers, on railway embankments and cuttings, and in hedgerows and uncut corners of fields.

As the seasons turn to autumn, the ferns become browner.

Kits used:

For the railway embankment scene, we've used:

Modelling Formal Gardens

As a contrast to the rest of the farm, the front garden of the farmhouse is laid out in a formal design. We've used a selection of different coloured flower clusters, set into two neat rows in the well-manicured lawn.

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A large planter on a pavement or even on a platform brings a splash of colour to what might otherwise be a drab scene.

Kits used:







To help get you started, we've created Summer Foliage and Autumn Foliage bundles.

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