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Customer Gallery
Scenery Showcase: A Fantastic Coastal Scene by Rick.
This scenery showcase features the rather brilliant work of Rick Cornwall, who built this amazing beach scene. 
A Delightful OO Scale Farm Scene
This entry in our Customer Gallery comes from Ashley. A very talented modeller who we've been following for some time now on Instagram.
Lighting & Backscene Effects - How Backscenes Can Dramatically Change A Layout
Building a model railway is one of the UK's most popular hobbies,  which helps one learn new skills which will benefit you in many areas of life, not just your hobby. From learning how to do woodwork & carpentry, electrics etc, the number of...
When is a pub not a pub? When it's a fire station!
As Justin has mentioned in his blog about ‘Tim’s Brewery Scene, we love seeing how you all use our kits on your layouts & dioramas. We really enjoy seeing how you folks take one of our kits & say, “Hey I could change & adapt that kit into...
1930's Factory Kit Bashed Into An Impressive OO Gauge Brewery
One of the most rewarding aspects of what we do here at Scale Model Scenery is seeing what you guys create with our kits. When we design a kit, we always have particular scenes or scenarios in mind. If we're modelling a real building, we obviously have...
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