How-To Guides and Tutorials

Keeping your track clean ensures hassle-free running sessions, but which is our favourite track cleaning method?

Adding speed restriction & whistle signs to your model railway layout is a quick and easy job and it really enhances the level of realism on your lineside scenes.
In this post, Iain takes uses one of our LX184-OO Weathered Sleeper Barrow Crossing packs to build a derelict oo gauge lineside hut to sit just before a tunnel entrance on his layout.

In this guide, we'll show you a very easy way to paint & weather the sleepers that's very quick to do. Perfect for an evening modelling session for new modellers to seasoned modellers.
Steve Wright has put together this handy guide for the method he uses to make Catenary hangers & registration arms, which he uses with our LX050-OO catenary portals. The method shown in this article involves some soldering but if you're not confident...