Brick Papers & Scratchbuilding
We pride ourselves in offering one of the largest ranges of photo realistic OO gauge brick papers, flooring & roofing texture papers. Although our brick papers are flat textures, printed onto matt paper, they're designed to have the appearance of a three dimensional texture with accurate shadows, weathering & other details. This makes our OO scale brick & roofing texture papers super-easy to work with while giving you the highest standard of finish & realism possible on your 1:76 scale models.
FREE* with all orders over £35 spend between 16th - 31st December 2024!
A pack of 10 A4 sheets (210mm x 297mm) of photo-realistic, texture papers:
- TX014 Weathered Slate
- TX220 Cornish Stone
- TX263 English Bond Dirty Red Brick
- TX103 Weathered Terracotta Pantiles
- TX268 Yorkshire Stone
- TX280 Rusted & Weathered Corrugated Iron
- TX269 Grey Random Stone Ashlars
- TX255 English Bond Yellow Brick
- TX104 Rusty Painted Corrugated Iron
- TX144 Corrugated Asbestos Roofing with Moss & Lichen
*(Excluding P&P)
Item in stock
TX103-12 Terracotta Pantiles Roofing Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - 1:12 Scale
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An easy to work with pack of 5 Terracotta Pantile paper sheets for creating realistic roofing on your 1:12th scale dolls house.
If you're in need of suitable cladding for a older industrial building, then this weathered corrugated asbestos cladding is just the job. Supplied in packs of five A4 sheets.
An A4 sheet of plywood sheets, printed onto thin card for detailing model buildings, construction site scenes, builders yards and more. Ideal for boarding up old buildings, makeshift fences etc. Simply cut out and use on your layout as required.
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TX154-OO Modern Stretcher Bond Red Brick Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - OO/4mm/1:76
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A modern image, stretcher bond red brick paper, ideal for modern architecture including houses, shops, municiple buildings and retaining walls. Supplied in packs of 5 sheets printed onto good quality paper.
An easy to work with pack of 5 brick paper sheets in English Bond Brown Brick. Ideal for railway infrastructure such as bridges and retaining walls.
Stretcher bond, yellow London Brick paper for scratchbuilding OO gauge and 1:76 scale buildings for model railways and diecast dioramas.
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TX301-OO Concrete Pantiles Roofing Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - OO/4mm/1:76
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An easy to work with pack of 5 Concrete Pantiles texture sheets.
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TX103-OO Terracotta Pantiles Roofing Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - OO/4mm/1:76
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An easy to work with pack of 5 Terracotta Pantile roofing paper sheets.
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TX300-OO Concrete Slab Platform Edge Coping With White Painted Lines (Pack of 5) OO/4mm/1:76
1 review(s)
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DC049-OO Funeral Undertakers Ghost Sign - Self Adhesive Transfer (Pack of 4) - OO/4mm/1:76
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DC049-OO Funeral Undertakers Ghost Sign - Self Adhesive Transfer (Pack of 4) - OO/4mm/1:76
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Add detail to the sides of your factories, industrial buildings and rows of terraced houses with our easy to use, self-adhesive, transparent ghost signs.
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DC050-OO Funeral Undertakers Ghost Sign - Waterslide Transfer (Pack of 4) - OO/4mm/1:76
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Add detail to the sides of your factories, industrial buildings and rows of terraced houses with our easy to use, waterside, transparent ghost signs.
Item in stock
TX299-OO Weathered Whitewashed Stone Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - OO/4mm/1:76
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A five sheet set of weathered whitewashed stone paper with a varied weathering across each of the sheets, with peeling paint, dirt & grime.
An easy to work with pack of 5 wooden flooring paper sheets. Ideal for detailing the interiors of churches, schools, factories & station buildings.
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DC048-OO Wills's Cigarettes Ghost Sign - Waterslide Transfer (Pack of 4) - OO/4mm/1:76
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Add detail to the sides of your factories, industrial buildings and rows of terraced houses with our easy to use, waterside, transparent ghost signs.
Item in stock
DC047-OO Wills's Cigarettes Ghost Sign - Self Adhesive Transfer (Pack of 4) - OO/4mm/1:76
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DC047-OO Wills's Cigarettes Ghost Sign - Self Adhesive Transfer (Pack of 4) - OO/4mm/1:76
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Add detail to the sides of your factories, industrial buildings and rows of terraced houses with our easy to use, self-adhesive, transparent ghost signs.
A set of 5 roller shutter doors in two sizes for detailing industrial buildings & shops with optional personnel doors.
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LX412-OO 7.5mm Wide Coping Stones For Walls (Pack of 9 Strips) OO/4mm/1:76
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TX293-OO English Bond Engineering Brick Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - OO/4mm/1:76
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An easy to work with pack of 5 brick paper sheets in English Bond Mixed Engineering Brick. Ideal for railway infrastructure such as bridges and retaining walls.
Item in stock
TX297-OO Hardstanding Buff Concrete Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - OO/4mm/1:76
2 review(s)
A pack of 5 buff concrete hardstanding paper sheets for OO gauge / 1:76 scale model buildings, industrial scenes and railway architecture.
Item in stock
TX296-OO Heavily Weathered Buff Concrete Texture Paper (Pack of 5) - OO/4mm/1:76
1 review(s)
A pack of 5 heavily weathered buff concrete paper sheets for OO gauge / 1:76 scale model buildings, industrial scenes and railway architecture.
A pack of 5 weathered buff concrete paper sheets for OO gauge / 1:76 scale model buildings, industrial scenes and railway architecture.
A pack of 5 buff concrete paper sheets for OO gauge / 1:76 scale model buildings, industrial scenes and railway architecture.