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Product Description

Train Tech SSP1 Sensor Signal Starter Pack. With this great starter pack you can add automatic signalling to your layout in minutes. Sensor Signals from Train Tech have been designed for quick & easy installation without the fuss! In this starter pack it contains 4 x four aspect signals with built in sensor, 4 x signal detail pack - Hand Rails, Ladders, Phone Boxes etc. 5 meter of single core wire, & instruction booklet. Just clip or wire the signal to your track / power bus if using DCC. If using traditional analogue control, connect up to a 12-16V DC supply. Each signal has a sensor built into it so there is no need for wiring or extra circuit boards etc. With the signal clipped or wired into your track it'll be fully automatic, & features 4 aspect signalling which works just like the real railway. A single wire links all four signals & the mimic switch together. 
How it works: Each signal senses passing train and changes signal until train has past safely. Each signal links to other Sensor Signals via a single wire giving fully automatic block signalling. Each signal is built fully ready to use, with each signal having a sensor built into the base - no other circuits or wires. The Mimic Switch or a DCC controller can over ride the automatic function & manually set a signal to red. Can be linked to a Mimic light using a single wire to show train occupancy / position on a control panel. Additional Train Tech Starter Packs & other sensor signals can be added to this pack to expand the signalling on your layout. Other signals with feathers or theatre indicators can be controlled by DCC or Mimic switch, and if points are controlled by DCC they can be made to light automatically by giving them the same address. To see this system in action see this demo video by Train Tech:https:/

Pack Quantity:
  • 4 x 4 Aspect Sensor Signals (TTSS5)
  • 4 x 4 Signal Detailing Parts
  • 1 x Mimic Switch (TTMS1)
  • 5m Single Core Wire
  • Instruction Booklet
Suitable For:
  • Scale Compatibility: OO / 4mm / 1:76 / HO
  • Both DCC & Analogue Control


Product Code

Product Safety Information

This is a scale model and is not a toy. Not suitable for children under 14 years of age. May contain small parts & represent a choking hazard. Adult supervision required. 

Customer Reviews

Train Tech SSP1 Sensor Signal Starter Pack (For OO/HO Gauge)

Out of stock

Product Code TTSSP1

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